As always, the "Sweeet & Sassy Scrappers" had an awesome time! We had a total of 17 ladies attend with our group. Wow!

Kaci (aka: Starburst),Jill (aka: Jilly Bean), and myself (aka: Peppermint "Patty") won 5 - $5 dollar gift certificates to be spent at 5 different vendors.

Nicole (aka: Butterfinger) won the "Slice Die Cutting Machine" with the carrying case & cutting matt. This was one of the 3 major door prizes... And, Connie (aka: Sugar Babies) won the "Big Shot" with accessories that Lisa Baracco was raffling for Kayla's Choir Disney Trip! Kathy (aka: Lady Godiva) drove down on Wednesday from GA to attend the event. Lisa (aka: Whopper), Connie (aka: SugarBabies), Lisa G. (aka: Bubblicious), Rose Marie (aka: Kisses), and myself stayed with Nicole at her house. Thanks Nicole! Kathy stayed with family and the Jenny (aka: Snocap), Jennifer (aka: Kissables), & Cheryl (aka: Smarties) drove back and forth each day/night... Kaci (aka: Starburst), Tammy (aka: Tootsie), and Charlotte (aka: Goobers) came on Friday and spent the night at a hotel. Marty (Kaci's honey) drove up Friday evening to stay with Kaci and brought Bailey to the event so that we can see her. She is so adorable and everyone wanted to pinch her chunky cheeks!

Did you know that turtles apparently let out a stink when scared??? Jenn was real quick to make sure that I knew it wasn't coming from her...lol
Kathy, Lisa B., Connie, and myself went for some Mexican food one night.

It was so yummy!
And, because I was often missing from my seat--Kathy, Nicole, & Rose Marie decided that they would strap me to my seat once I sat down...lol

Hope you enjoy the pictures.