My honey finally finished my cabnet and I've been busy sorting & putting everything away. It's taken me "2" days!!! But, I'm done and my pleased with the outcome. He also refinished our old kitchen table and put it in my room so that I would have a larger work space... Thanks honey!!! Hope you enjoy. Wish you could come to my house and play with me sometime. You can press on the picture for it to enlarge for a better view. Luv, Patty P...
I love it!!!! Julie
I am so dam jealous, not even going to lie about it!!! I wish I had the space in my house for one like that. I told Marty the next house we buy will be atleast 4 bedrooms and one room will be just for me, even if I get kicked out of the master bedroom and have to put a bed in my scrapbooking room!!!
i'm so jealous. i wish my scrap room was that nice.
I'm so proud for you. What a wonderful bright and sunny place to scrap. What scrapper would not be proud to have a place like this to scrap. Your HONEY did an awesome job. Maybe one of these days I well have the privilege of coming and scrapping with you there. Oh yes, and tell your HONEY he has put the pressure on....LOL.... Love it........SUGAH
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